Parent -Teacher Association  (PTA):

The Common Parent – Teacher Association Meeting is conducted twice in a month and after the end of every Assessments. The Class wise PTA is held every month. Parents have the opportunity to discuss the progress of their wards and put forth their suggestions.

We believe that the effectiveness of the partnership between school, students and parents is a crucial factor in determining successful outcomes for our students. We work hard to maintain an on-going open and positive dialogue with our parents. Parents are kept up to date by using the school email, and student planner and letters or notices from the Principal or Manager and other members of staff.

Role of parents

As parents, there are a number of things you can do to help:

  • •Do reassure your children about school: talk to them about their teacher, the  activities they are doing , the friends they are making and the happy time they will  have.
  • •Keep us informed of any significant details relating to your children’s education.
  • •Do not hesitate to come and see us if there is a matter you wish to share.